October 29, 2006

Witchy Witch

This pumpkin did take a while to carve, but the result was well worth it. Although I'd love to take credit for the design, I actually based mine off a pattern I found at Martha Stewart Living. I traced the basic outline onto the pumpkin in pencil, and then simplified the details a bit.

Since we moved back home, all of my ceramics tools are still packed away in boxes, so I had to use some of my dad's tools-- an all, a few different types of screwdrivers and even some cool vintage safety glasses.

And here's the close up:

Me in my hot-ass safety glasses:

October 23, 2006

Busy Week

All last week I worked on projects from my new T-shirt recycling book. I made a nifty pair of legwarmers and a skirt. Who knew I had it in me? In all honesty, these are the most recent clothes I've sewn on the machine since I made this hippie shirt in high school. The skirt, especially, came out awesome. Let's see...

I also finished knitting a pair of really soft mohair legwarmers for my friend, Laura. It was my first project that involved increases, so there are a few blotchy parts, but I'm hoping she won't notice. With all these legwarmers I felt like doing something a bit different, so I started a pair of armwarmers. Can you tell I'm anticipating a cold winter? They're coming along okay so far, and I even left some live stitches to put in a thumb gusset later on. I'm doing them in a really textured off-white wool that has little course pieces of straw-like fiber. I'm super psyched!

To round out the weekend, I watched "The Puffy Chair." Spectacular movie. Anyone who's ever been on a road trip (or been in love) should see it. It has an amazing soundtrack to boot.

October 18, 2006

Exciting News for Craft Revolutionaries!

While reading one of my favorite blogs written by naughty secretary club founder Jennifer Perkins, I came across this really awesome news. These girls from Milwauke are making a documentary about... you guessed it...CRAFTS! Check out the details here. It's called Indie Craft Documentary.

October 16, 2006

New Content...Finally!

I've added a few new sections to Non-Nameable Wood. God, it feels like the setup of a site is a never-ending project. It's all structure and settings and the content is slow going. This week I've managed to upload a bunch more recipes (with pictures to come) and there's a new writing section (my own personal drivel) as well as a "where to buy" guide called craft supplies. It's kind of a loose term. I've listed tons of websites for yarn and needle supplies as well as knitting accessories. (I won't use the word "notion" because I really hate that word-- it gives knitting a bad name.)

Here you'll also find some of my favorite Indie designers, many of whom are members of the Austin Craft Mafia. Those girls are truly an awesome bunch. They came to the Renegade Craft Fair held in Williamsburg Brooklyn this past summer. Their booths were quite awesome. I recently ordered this vintage gauze scarf from amet and sasha and I have only good things to say about jesse's craftsmanship and service. Really cute packaging to boot!

So check out some of these sites. They are some of my fav's.

October 13, 2006


Can't sleep. Can't sleep. It's 6:35 in the morning and I'm up again, after two hours of tossing and turning. Lots of tension and anxiety in my body. Yuck. My muscles are achey and my breaths are shallow with sleepiness. I've already cleaned the kitchen, made a breakfast of egg-white omellette and veggies. Plus, I greeted my dad and made him coffee for work. We hung out and fed Nora and chatted about school and other things. Now I'm sitting on the couch watching Good Will Hunting watching the sun come up. Hopefully my eyelids will fall heavy with sleep soon.

New Recipes

It's taken me a little while, but I finally got some of my recipes posted in the cooking section. Most are adapted from various cookbook recipes over the years. Some are my own creations. Others are taken straight from cook books (as noted), but are favorites of mine.

October 4, 2006


I'm super amped about finally having my sewing machine set up. It's been nearly a month and half since Keith and I moved in with my dad and it seems that our things are finally finding homes. Of course, the Singer is set up on the dining room table for the time being...

Last week I bought these two awesome books on reconstructing vintage t-shirts and I'm dying to make a project!

Tease features designs by various members of the Austin Craft Mafia and offers up ideas ranging from recycled t-shirt woven rugs to sushi inspired eye masks. It's really fun and each project pattern is complete with a difficulty level and icons denoting supplies needed. You should definitely check it out.

Generation T is also really cool. To be honest, it was an afterthought: I had the first book in my basket on Amazon, and the second was offered as a reduced rate package. I figured, what the hey!? And I'm so glad I did. It's brilliant. There are endless pattern ideas for revamping old t-shirts and most patterns even come with a variation or two. I've already attacked numerous tees with my Fiskars. Of course, some of those attempts were made late at night, after a few drinks, so they haven't all turned out wonderfully.

I'll try to post a few pics of finished projects in my sewing section once I have some time.


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